How to join:

Membership can commence at any time and costs £8 per year.  Members are welcome from all parts of the world.  Membership can be purchased as a gift.

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Payment may be made by Paypal, bank transfer or cheque/postal order payable to the Village Sign Society with your name(s), address and email address and send to VSS Membership, 7 Duck End, Godmanchester, Cambs, PE29 2LW.  Please state if you wish to receive Village Sign Times in PDF format.  To make a bank transfer, contact us.


Benefits of membership

Receiving the Society's full colour magazine, Village Sign Times, issued twice times a year. This is the only periodical that specifically covers village signs, and is available in either paper (UK only) or PDF format (worldwide).

Receiving a regular enewsletter.

Access to past issues of Village Sign Times.

Access to the Village Sign Society’s Database and Photobase (both subject to restrictions).